Fall Foods to Strengthen the Lungs

Fall is the season which Chinese medicine associates with the metal element, the lung organ, and the energy of letting go. This time of year we prune away the excesses of summer like we prune a fruit tree after it bears, consolidating our energy, focusing on what is most important, and preparing for winter. ItContinue reading “Fall Foods to Strengthen the Lungs”

Fermented Ice Cream?!

The culinary inspiration of my childhood was my grandmother Elizabeth.  I have written about her wisdom around food here.  Today’s topic: frozen desserts.   Into every life frozen desserts must fall.  Making your own is a wonderful way to reclaim the food supply, deliciously, and impress your friends and family.   I am making a batch today in honorContinue reading “Fermented Ice Cream?!”

Mung Bean Dahl–a Food for Spring

By popular demand, I’m posting my recipe for Mung Bean Dahl, a dish for spring and summer known for its detoxifying qualities and ability to move stuck liver energy.  You know your liver energy is a bit stuck if you feel irritable, restless, or angry, not uncommon at this time of year. Source your kombu carefully.  I get mine fromContinue reading “Mung Bean Dahl–a Food for Spring”

Spring Classes

Spring renewal comes easy when you invigorate your cooking and eating.  I’ve got some exciting classes coming up to kick-start your personal spring fling. Sunday April 23  Intro to Fermentation in Berkeley, hosted by Biofuel Oasis, 10-12:30pm.  A hands-on workshop for beginners:http://biofueloasis.com/workshops/. Monday May 1st Flavors of Fermentation: Sweet, Sour and Bitter hosted by 18Continue reading “Spring Classes”

Eleven Ways to Get More Fermented Foods into Your Life

Why do you want to get more fermented foods into your life? In short, they are good and good for you. Fermentation increases the taste and nutritional value of food. It was the main way of preserving food up until the invention of the refrigerator. Humans more or less evolved to be eating fermented foodsContinue reading “Eleven Ways to Get More Fermented Foods into Your Life”